SINGAPORE – Meet this week’s hot bods, wellness entrepreneur Sheila Cheong, 41, and wellness coach Bryan Wong, 34.
Sheila Cheong, 41
Wellness Entrepreneur
Height: 1.53m
Weight: 46kg
Exercise regimen: I do my best to keep active daily. Since I love spending time with my 16-month-old daughter Fami, I incorporate her into a lot of my workouts. This includes sit-ups where she balances on my shins, and also squat presses where I carry her in the air with my arms.
Since I also coach people, I do HIIT or circuit training virtually with them about four times a week. If I head out for exercise, it is probably a jog by the beach or a walk in a nature reserve on weekdays.
Diet: My morning ritual involves taking supplements and a cellular nutrition shake for breakfast.
The majority of my meals are prepared at home and consist of a wide variety of international cuisine, and are protein-heavy with lots of vegetables. I also tend to consume brown rice and quinoa.
On top of that, I take protein-rich snacks and post-workout recovery shakes. I eat my favourite sashimi, durian and steak on my cheat days.
Bryan Wong, 34
Wellness coach and group fitness instructor
Height: 1.69m
Weight: 68kg
Exercise regimen: In addition to creating material for clients on my online coaching programme, I coach Les Mills Grit, a HIIT programme. I also go to a boutique studio twice a week for around 45 minutes to work on my fitness. Active recovery days may include 5km to 7km hikes with my dogs Cory and Cole.
Diet: I always kick off the day with a collagen vitamin C-rich supplement and nutrient-dense breakfast shake.
The rest of my nutritional intake depends on my social calendar. When I am working on a personal result, I typically increase my protein intake and replace most of my carbs with quinoa or black rice.
My favourite cheat meals include a good caffe latte and carb-heavy stuff such as creamy pasta.